4001百老汇官方网站双周论坛第 60 期
主讲人:程郑权 中共珠海市委党校讲师
时间:2024年11月1日(周五)13:30 - 15:00(下午)
The Last Straw that Breaks the Marriage: Stock Market Declines and Divorce Litigation Approvals
Using a large sample of divorce litigations judged mainly based on spouses’ emotional states, we find that stock market declines predict higher same-day divorce approvals, while such an effect does not exist when market increases. Evidence indicates that spouses become more verbal in court, especially on financial disputes, suggesting that negative market returns aggravate couples’ mental stress, leading to heightened tensions; thus, judges tend to approve of the divorce. Alternative explanations such as judge characteristics and availability heuristics do not hold. This study empirically evaluates the loss aversion theory in divorce courts shed light on the impact of financial markets on legal practices.
程郑权,厦门大学邹至庄经济研究院2024届劳动经济学专业博士,目前为珠海市委党校市情研究中心讲师。研究方向为行为经济学和劳动经济学,行为经济学研究主要基于裁判文书大数据和行为经济学理论探究法官判决行为中的决策偏差;劳动经济学研究主要为性别决策差异产生的来源和早期人力资本的形成研究。近期关注数字经济时代下个体行为决策模式的变化,如个体的隐私保护行为。研究成果发表于Finance Research Letters和《南方经济》期刊。